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Sky Inning

I can strike an object forward using a long handed implement.

Sky Inning

I can strike an object forward using a long handed implement.

Band- Aid Tag

I can move about an area and tag others safely during band-aid tag. The 'hospital' was full of patients who were working hard during the...

Fitness Stations

Our middle schoolers have been showing a lot of integrity and perseverance during fitness stations!

Rock, Paper, Scissor Train

If you lose to a partner in Rock, Paper, Scissors, you then become a part of their cheering train!

Band-Aid Tag

I can move about an area and tag others safely during band-aid tag. When you get tagged, you must hold your wounds. When you get 2...

Fitness Stations

I can persevere to correctly complete each fitness station. I can use integrity to collect personal data.

Fitness Stations

I can persevere to correctly complete each fitness station. (We did such an awesome job, Ms. Kylee let us have a dance party!)

Capture the Flag

I can recall and demonstrate the game rules for capture the flag.

Capture The Flag

I can recall and demonstrate the game rules for capture the flag.

Capture the Flag

I can recall and demonstrate the game rules and directions of capture the flag.

Capture The Flag

I can recall and demonstrate the game of capture the flag.

PE Friends!

In PE this week, we learned the rules of R.E.S.P.E.C.T. so we can be safe during PE time. We also practiced our 'freezing' skills by...

First Day of PE

I can practice listening to and responding to whistle signals.


My goal this year is to get the City View students actively engaged in physical activity in the Hillsboro community. If your student...

Free Choice PE

For the 1st day of school, the 1st graders had a free choice PE. Students chose to jump rope, play basketball, frisbee, yarn balls, or...

Welcome to Physical Education!

First Day of PE is... September 10 for the Kinder, 2nd, & 4th September 11 for the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 6th & 7/8th classes Bring shoes,...

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